Saturday, August 14, 2010

Kicked Back and Overtime

We had a more or less lazy day today. For much of the day, we were over at our friends' house celebrating their boy's birthday (which was actually a week ago tomorrow). The kids had plenty to keep them happy, so were mostly low maintenance for the duration. Still, we were so exhausted by the time we got home (maybe from over indulgence?) that we basically vegged out on the couch from the time we got back (a little after 3) until bed time. We watched the 4th and 5th episodes of Star Wars (which was actually the 1st and 2nd movies, right?, that came out). Yeah, with commercials, and with little kids. Caden does not like Darth Vader. Alana didn't care much one way or the other.

But now, at some past 1am, I am working on a project plan. And not getting paid. Boy, what fun. I need sleep.

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